Lucente high gloss kitchens
Lucente handle-less (J-pull) 22 mm thick door with a lacquered finish ( painted). This handless profile will give a elegant modern feel to your kitchen with it’s clean lines. The Lucente High gloss comes in 6 colours, Anthracite, Cashmere, Cream, Dust Grey, Light Grey, & white.


Lucente Gloss Cream

Lucente Gloss Dust Grey

Lucente Gloss Light Grey

Lucente Gloss White

Lucente standard matt colours
The Lucente range has a choice of 7 standard matt colours & 33 paint to order colours (listed below). This is a 22mm thick handle-less door with a lacquered finish (painted).
Lucente matt Anthracite

Lucente Matt Light Grey

Lucente cashmere matt

Lucente Matt Stone

Lucente Matt Cream

Lucente Matt White

Lucente paint to order matt colours
Lucente with it’s clean lines gives a modern look to any kitchen. This is a 22mm thick handleless door with a lacquered finish (painted). The paint to order offers a choice of 33 colours
Lucente Painted Super White Matt

Lucente White matt

Lucente Porcelain matt

Lucente Chalkstone Matt

Lucente Mussel Matt

Lucente Cashmere Matt

Lucente Daker Matt

Lucente Stone Grey Matt

Lucente Lava Matt

Lucente Light Grey Matt

Lucente Silver Grey Matt

Lucente Dust Grey Matt

Lucente Sage Green Matt

Lucente Fjord Matt

Lucente Denim Matt

Vero high gloss kitchens
Handleless high gloss door in stone colour

Handleless high gloss white

Handleless high gloss white 2

Lucente high gloss kitchens
Handleless high gloss door in stone colour

Handleless high gloss white

Handleless high gloss white 2